Children at Work

Welcome to Term 3!
Term 3 weeks 3 - 5 
The Pukeko reading group practised writing words on the concrete

 Jacob made patterned towers
 The Rectangle maths group is matching numbers to sets of objects

 The Circles practised writing numbers to 100!

 The Triangles and Squares have been doing a lot of problem solving!

Ni hao! We have been travelling through China.
We learnt a lot of fun facts about China and we even got to try some Chinese food!

Summer brought a lot of Chinese artefacts from him to show us
 Becs brought in her Red Panda to show us, it was very soft!
Summer, Ruby and Rommy built The Great Wall of China
 Poppy showed us her pyjamas that were made in China
Summer's Mum brought Dumplings into school for all of us to try. 
We even used chopsticks to eat them!

Term 3 Week 2
 Making shapes and patterns
Making Kenyan neck jewellery
We used bright colours and painted patterns that we had seen used on real Kenyan jewellery!
 Jambo Kenya! 
It has been a fantastic journey visiting your country!
We have had our passports stamped and we are now heading to... CHINA!

Around the World
This Term we are learning about countries around the world.
Currently we are learning all about Kenya!
As we travel through Kenya we will be finding out  about the national animals, sports, food, language and culture.
We started by going on Safari:
 We made our own pair of binoculars to help us spot the wild animals

We learnt that the national sport of Kenya is soccer. We have been learning soccer skills. First we learnt how to kick and stop a ball.

Term 2
Take a look at what we have been doing in room 9
Lucas was our class librarian this week!

Rommy and Ruby made some patterned towers

We have been learning some new maths games to help us with our number recognition 

Making Pancakes!
On Wednesday 15 June we made pancakes in class. 
Before we were able to make the pancakes we watched Jamie Oliver's tutorial on Youtube
We wrote a shopping list of ingredients to buy and wrote down the method in steps, then we got cooking and eating!
We are becoming very good little cooks.
1. Pour one cup of self raising flour into a bowl
2. Add one cup of milk
3. Crack in one egg
4. Add a pinch of salt
5. Mix all of the ingredients together
6. Spoon mixture into a hot buttery pan. When bubbles appear on the surface flip the pancake over.
7. Pour over some maple syrup

8. Eat and enjoy!
Children will be bringing this recipe home in their poem books to share with family. 
You could have a go at making the pancakes together!
We've been busy making play dough!

We have been experimenting with the play dough, adding texture, colour and scents. You will be able to purchase some of our wonderful play dough at the 'Oranga Market Day' at the end of this term.

Hugo was this week's Librarian...

Term 2 Week 4
Samuel came in for his second visit. We welcomed him by singing 'twinkle, twinkle, little star.'
Katherine told us the new things that Samuel has learnt to do...
he can now smile and laugh!
We wanted to see Samuel lying down, luckily Alex came up with the great idea of putting a blanket down for Samuel to lay on.
We all got to greet Samuel by saying 'hello' and gently shaking his hand.
When it was time to say goodbye to Samuel we sang the ABC song.

Term 2 Week 2
Meet baby Samuel (Katherine's brother)!
He will be coming into room 9 regularly throughout the year. 
We will watch him grow and track his milestones.
Today we said "hello" to Samuel and sang him some lullabies.
Term 2 Week 1
We have been practising our large ball skills. 
We are learning to bounce and catch a ball.

Murtaza had a turn at being the class Librarian!

Term 1 Week 10
What a fun week we had learning all about science! 
We got to be Scientists and take part in different experiments...
Floating and Sinking
First we predicted which of our items would float or sink.
Next we carried out the experiment.
Then we reflected on our predictions.

Harry read to the class!
He is reading 'The Birthday Monster' a book written by his own Mum - Bridget Sherlock -
Great reading Harry!

Term 1 Week 9
The Triangles are learning to recognise and order numbers to 10

The Circles are learning to recognise numbers that come before, between and after to 50 
Friday is our Library day. This week Taylor was chosen to be the class Librarian - well done Taylor!

Rose did a fabulous job of reading one of our new library books to the class.
You are a super reader, Rose!

Term 1 Week 8
We are learning to use finger spaces
 Great job Harry!
Well done Poppy!
Planting the Class Garden
Today we made our class garden beautiful by planting some flowers.
We learnt that plants need:
  • water
  • sunlight
  • air
  • soil
We learnt about roots and how they grow into the earth searching for water to suck up.

 The finished gardens...

Term 1 Week 7
Maths: We are learning to identify 2d shapes
We created pictures and patterns using shapes and identified which shapes we used.

Term 1 Week 6
Maths: We are learning to recognise and make patterns to 10

We have learnt:
5 and 1 makes 6
5 and 2 makes 7
5 and 3 makes 8
5 and 4 makes 9
5 and 5 makes 10
Now we don't have to count from 1 when working with objects to 10!

We are learning to recognise numbers to 10

Term 1 Week 5
Maths: We are learning to recognise number words to 10

We are learning to identify numbers to 10
Here we are exploring a new maths activity: Peg Boards

Reading:  We are learning to instantly recognise high frequency words

Term 1 Week 4
We are learning to identify numbers to 10

Everyday our writing is getting better!
We have learnt to put a full stop at the end of our stories, to sound out words that we are unsure how to spell and to find common words on the yellow spelling card.

 This week we are learning the sounds for:
c/k, e, h, r, m and d.
You can help at home by asking us to find the letters and say their sounds on our yellow spelling card.

 We are learning to identify and spell the words that we are learning.

 Harry and Murtaza had fun constructing a city!

Term 1 Week 3
Harry brought his monster trucks to school for Show and Tell on Friday. We made up a game pushing the trucks to each other while calling out names. This will help us remember each others names, thanks Harry!

Term 1 Week 2
We are learning to identify high frequency words and point to each word as we are reading

Here is our shared book for the week:
On Friday we got to make our own paper aeroplanes and decorate them just like Biff and her Mum did in the story.
We followed video instructions to make our aeroplanes.
You can find the instructions here:

Katherine is reading to Scruffy.
He visits us every Friday, he loves listening to our reading!
We read the book 'Mum' and then we chose our favourite page to copy and illustrate.

Here we are using our High Frequency word flashcards to make the words we are learning out of magnetic letters.

We are leaning to sort objects into different categories

 We made pictures using a whole lot of different shapes.

We discussed how we could sort shapes into different groups.
We all had a go at sorting shapes according to their colour.

Tuesday: Today we all wrote in our writing books for the first time!
Our First Week At School!
Welcome to Rose, Katherine, Kaley and Shakira who started school this week.

 Shakira and Katherine playing Memory together.

We made play dough together, then we got to play with it!

Harry dressed up as a Merman. He was the King of all the mermaids!


  1. Loving seeing all the fun and learning that is going on!

  2. Hi Katherine, it looks like you're having lots of fun in your class - especially doing maths. That's great, I try to have fun at my school to.. Keep having fun and say hi to Dexter for me.

    Love Poppa
